Flicks in the Sticks - By popular request, the first film for 2005 will be Seabiscuit, to be shown at the Parish Hall on Friday, January 28, at the normal time.

Parish Council - At their most recent meeting, on Monday, January 10, Bodenham councillors considered a number of planning matters including the resubmission of plans to build an extension to St Michael's School. Having heard about the changes made to the original plans, councillors agreed to give the project their support. Councillors also heard that Herefordshire Council had prepared a revised draft report on an application for a definitive Map Modification Order in respect of a public bridleway from Bodenham to Preston Wynne. They took note of fresh evidence relating to the use of the bridleway in previous years and agreed to support the modification. Following a donation by the parish council of £500 towards the New Sydonia Pool and Recreational Appeal Fund, a letter had been received from the chairman, Roger Hunt. He thanked the council for its generous donation and enclosed a receipt for the money. After a complaint regarding dog fouling, a number of signs had been obtained from the Dog Warden. Enquiries were being made as to the best points at which to display them.

The next meeting of the parish council will be held on Monday, February 7, at 7.30 pm at Siward James.