Crocodile 8 - This annual race is being held on May 29, starting at Burghill CP. School at 3pm with a shorter fun run beginning at 3.15pm. It is being supported by The Bell Inn and consists of an eight mile, all-terrain race through orchards, woodland trails and country lanes followed by a family barbecue, party, live music, food and games in The Bell Inn after the race. The maximum number of runners is 300 and entries will be taken on the day up to that number, with a £1 surcharge. Entry forms can be gained from Burghill CP School. The entry fee is £6 attached and £7 for unattached runners, with entry for the fun run being £1. Cheques should be made payable to Burghill CP School and postal entries close on May 22. More information can be found on

Borneo talk and slide show -

This talk is being held at the Simpson Hall next Tuesday at 6.30pm in aid of the County Air Ambulance and is being presented by Peter Venables, detailing his overland crossing of the Malaysian island.

St Mary's Walking Group - The last walk along the Marcle Ridge was very well attended, and good weather and views were enjoyed. The next walk is on Saturday, led by Jo Morgan, meeting at the church car park at 9.30am.

Retirement Club - This week's meeting is on Fire Safety in the home, presented by Sub Officer Hayman, at the Simpson Hall today (Thursday) at 2.30pm.