TENNIS CLUB - The new season commenced last Friday. Mini tennis for children aged four-plus is on Wednesdays from 3.30pm. Members are free and more members pay £1 per session. During the Easter holidays the group will meet on Wednesdays 10am until noon. It is hoped that Rob Robinson, the professional coach, who currently operates on Thursday's may extend his hours to include a Monday. Planning is in hand to build a mini tennis court, which will incorporate a practice wall. Some funding has been raised but to achieve that last one third required, bricks will be sold at £5 each. A coffee morning is planned to take place in the Curzon Herrick Hall on Saturday, May 7, from 10.30am. There will be a variety of stalls and sales tables can be purchased at £5 and £6 on the day.

HISTORY GROUP - The next meeting will be held at the New Strand next Monday at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.

COFFEE MORNING - This well attended event, hosted by Mr and Mrs Mackay at The Forge, raised £500, which has been donated to two local charities LINC which supports the Leukaemia and Intensive Chemotherapy Unit at the Cheltenham Hospital and the Haven Trust for breast cancer, in Hereford.

LENT SOUP LUNCH - Another charity, the Mission for Aviation Fellowship, has received £75, which was raised at the soup lunch, hosted by Mrs Joyce Banbury at her home in Millstream Gardens.

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION - The Eardisley branch of the RBL will hold its monthly meeting at the New Strand today (Thursday) at 8pm. On Saturday, April 16, they will have bingo in the Curzon Herrick Hall. Eyes down at 7.45pm.

METHODIST CHURCH - Preacher on Sunday at 11am at Eardisley Methodist church will be Rev W Passman.