Colwall Players will be holding its annual fun quiz at the village hall on Friday, April 15, at 7.30pm. Teams can register by ringing (01684) 650750. Alternatively, just turn up on the night with your team of four at a cost of £6. There will be a bar.

At the start of the Global Week of Action for Trade Justice (April 10-16) there will be a special event at St James Church, Colwall after the 10.15am service on April 10. More debt relief for poor countries, better aid for these countries, together with trade justice are the three demands of the Make Poverty History campaign. On April 13 there will be a special coffee morning at 10.30am at the Colwall Park Hotel. Finally, on Sunday, April 17, parish praise at St James' will be joining in spirit with 80 countries around the world to make 2005 a year to focus on poverty.