THE annual dinner of the Byton, Combe, Kinsham and Stapleton History Grouptook place at the Arkwright Hall, Kinsham when 45 members heard Mrs Cathy Beale give anecdotes from her new book soon to be published about the Arkwright family.

Richard Arkwright, (1732-92) the founder of the family fortunes, developed the water frame in 1769 at the first factory in Cromford, Derbyshire, to become "the wealthiest commoner in England", later purchasing the Hampton Court estate near Leominster. The Arkwrights subsequently married into several ancient Herefordshire families, including the Scudamores. Later Sir John Arkwright moved to Kinsham Court and the last surviving direct line, James Arkwright, died in 1985. The next meeting will be on May 11 at 7.30pm at the Arkwright Hall, to hear Mr Duncan James talk about his recent research on William Glading, Head Carpenter at Hampton Court.