Herefordshire Council is concerned that local businesses may be in danger of running out of time to convert existing licences to the new integrated licence issued under the Licensing Act 2003.

Only 16 applications have so far been received out of approximately 1,500 that are expected.

Premises that have not submitted applications to convert their justices' licence by the August 6 deadline may incur extra costs and unnecessary additional training.

Herefordshire Council have organised Licensing Forums at venues around the county to advise businesses on what they need to do to make an application under the Licensing Act 2003.

All pubs, clubs, off-licences, take-aways, village halls, and any similar premises in the area are affected by the changes.

The forums provide the opportunity for local businesses to attend a presentation followed by a question and answer session giving advice on any issues that may be relevant to their applications.

As the Licensing Authority for Herefordshire, the council has recruited extra staff with the resources to provide guidance to all those who feel overwhelmed by the changes and to ensure efficient processing of applications.

Dates and venues :

Wednesday, April 20, Larraperz Centre, Grammar School Close, Ross.

Friday, April 22, Committee Room 1, Shire Hall, Hereford.

Tuesday, April 26, Madley Village Hall

Wednesday, April 27, Withington Village Hall

There will be two presentations at each venue, one at 2.30pm and one at 5.30pm.

Introduction of the new licensing act has left many licensees throughout England and Wales with questions and concerns as to how their businesses will be affected and how to approach the applications in order to convert current licences before the August deadline.

For anyone wishing to obtain further information there is a helpline on 01432-260105.