FIFTY-year-old computer specialist Len Robinson is Hereford Sub Aqua Club's Diver of the Year.

Robinson, who joined the club in 2003 and is the club's equipment officer, has qualified as a sports diver and is now assisting in new diver training after undertaking an instructor foundation course and snorkel instructor award.

He has completed a series of skill development courses including compressor operator, oxygen administration, practical rescue management and radio operator. He is now working towards the dive leader grade and full diving instructor status.

The diver of the year award, which was presented at the club's annual dinner dance, has been in existence since the club was formed more than 20 years ago.

It usually recognises the efforts of a recently-joined member who has become involved in and assisted with club activities. The award has previously been in the form of a shield but, as this now has no space for winners, a reproduction Siebe-Gorman diving hard helmet will act as the trophy.

Hereford Sub Aqua Club trains every Friday at Hereford Leisure Pool when potential members may complete a 'try dive'. For details contact Dave Ormesher on 0775 1058547 or visit the club website,