CINEMA - 'The Incredibles' (cert U) will be screened on Saturday April 23 in Almeley Village Hall. Film starts 4pm. Adults £3 Children £2. Refreshments available.

PARISH PLAN -The Parish Plan has now been published and a copy has been delivered to each household. Further copies, if required, can be purchased from the post office - price £5.

The draft "Supplementary Planning Guidance" which forms an Appendix to the Plan was formally adopted by the Parish Council at their meeting on April 7. Subject to comments by the Herefordshire Council Planning department this will be provide the criteria for all future planning applications.

SOCIAL WHIST DRIVE - The second of the three whist drives, in aid of the Herefordshire Heart Fund, took place in the village hall on Tuesday, April 5. Prize winners were: Mrs M Fenton, Mrs B Beavan, Mrs A Sutton, Mrs S Green, Mr P Mokler, Mr I Beaumont, Mr M Battenti and Mr I Chant. The next whist drive will be on Tuesday, April 19 at 7.45pm.

WOMEN'S INSTITUTE - When the Almeley WI meet in Almeley Village Hall at 7.30pm, on Thursday, April 21, Mrs Diana Jenkins will give a -talk on 'painting my way'.