CAKES FOR HAITI - A nationwide cake sale tomorrow (Friday) in aid of the people of Haiti, will come to Gladestry Primary School, thanks to social networking technology. Cakes for Haiti is the brainchild of Janet Mohapi-Banks, a professional cake designer from Surrey who decided to do something special to help the victims of the earthquake which happened on her 40th birthday. She secured the help of Prime Minister’s wife, Sarah Brown, who tweeted about Cakes for Haiti to help spread the word on the internet service Twitter and one of whose followers is Gladestry parent Kate Bull. The Gladestry event has been enthuiastically embraced by older pupils at the primary school and will run alongside their already-planned Easter bingo from 3.30pm-5pm.

Refreshments, including tea and cakes, will be served. Everyone is welcome.

If you can donate a cake, please contact Kate on 01544 370637.