CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW - The seventh annual Dymock and district late chrysanthemum and autumn show will be held in Dymock Parish Hall on Sunday, and will be open to the public from 1.30pm to 4.30pm. Light refreshments will be available. Chrysanthemum exhibitors come from far and wide and the hall is a riot of colour. There are a few classes for people who do not grow chrysanthemums such as classes for both flowering and foliage pot plants, classes for a vase of mixed autumn flowers, a vase of cut shrub or tree arranged for fruit or berry effect, a vase of cut shrub or tree for foliage effect, a collection of onions or shallots for winter storage, three large onions and a plate of seven brussels sprouts. All entries to be made on the morning of the show from 8am to 11am. Entry fee 50p per class. For details, call the secretary on 01531 632489. If previous shows are anything to go by, this will be well worth a visit. The parish hall is easy to find as it is situated immediately behind the Beauchamp Arms on the B4216 Ledbury road.