ROUNDUP - Despite the unseasonal weather, Castle Frome has managed to enjoy its July and August events.

Sue and Roger Matthews kindly invited all into their lovely garden for an evening and although cardigans were necessary, it was possible to sit out and enjoy tea and cakes in truly superb surroundings and the evening raised over £200. The churchyard picnic in August is not a money raising event and the sun shone well and truly, forcing people to seek shade under the ancient yew tree. Thanks to Judy and the local cake-makers for a very pleasant lunchtime and afternoon.

RIDE AND STRIDE - St Michael and All Angels’ Church will be manned for the Hereford Historic Churches Trust Ride and Stride day on Saturday and as always, volunteers look forward to serving drinks to all those who plan to visit. Sponsorship forms can be obtained from Sue Matthews on 01531 640438 for those riding or striding for the local churches.

CHURCH SERVICE - Family praise will be on Sunday at 11.20am and you are asked to bring or tell about a small component which operates something much larger.