TITLEY FETE - The sun shone in Titley for the annual fete and crowds of people enjoyed an afternoon of glorious sunshine and entertainment. Many people came with their dogs to partake in the increasingly popular and very successful dog show. A cup was presented for the first time this year in memory of Penelope Davies for The Dog Most Like Its Owner; this was won by Lynne Samuels and Pattamouse, both with pink handbags and pink sunglasses.

There were the very successful cake, bottle and produce stalls and many more, for people to browse around. First prize of £100 in the draw was won by Mr Jones from Evenjobb.

Some volunteers from Kington fire station came with a smoke display which was fascinating for the children and of course there were the childrens races for all age groups. Many domestic and children’s competitions were held in the hall with the number of competitors up on last year. Titley is very famous for its teas so no-one went home hungry.

All in all a very successful day with a total after expenses of £3,565 being divided between St Peter’s Church and the village hall.