STEAM AND VINTAGE RALLY - Crowds came to Boatside Farm on Sunday and the sun came, too. Visitors enjoyed the many exhibits and the views of the Wye Valley. Indeed some people went up in the helicopter and had an aerial treat.

The rally was officially opened by the president, Mrs Andrew Gibson-Watt who was accompanied by her son and vice president, James Gibson-Watt and his wife Della. The superb selection of large traction engines opened the parade of vintage vehicles, broken only by the two wheeled stunt rider Jumpin’ Jez. He was very adventurous jumping over an exhibitor sitting on his tractor!

The ring events concluded with the children’s favourite, the tug of war with a steam engine. New this year was a pole lathe demonstration which drew the spectators. Numerous other crafts were demonstrated both in the marquee and around the field. There was plenty to entertain all ages: fairground and children’s bikes to laser shooting and archery, listening to the fair organs, watching the tug-of war competitions or just shopping. The society is very grateful for the support given to them by the land owners, the Blandford family, the Gibson-Watt family, Mr and Mrs David Williams and Mr John Lloyd.

Without their help the rally would not be possible. They would also like to thank all who attended to make it a successful day and look forward to welcoming them again on August 8, 2010, for their 30th rally.