PARISH COUNCIL - The August meeting was held in the Memorial Hall with Coun Paul Sheen in the chair. Also present were Herefordshire councillor J B Williams and Community Support Officer Katie Middleton. Village notice board: tenders are being sought for a new village notice board. Recreation ground: it was reported that there were still problems regarding dog control and dog fouling in the sports field and in the village. Suspension of standing orders: it was decided to suspend all standing orders to allow all agenda items to be discussed. A46 Pontrilas Junction: the clerk would inform Herefordshire Council of concern at the growing number of signs being put up around this junction. The next parish newsletter is due for publication in September and the next parish council meeting will be at the Memorial Hall on September 1, at 7.30pm.

EXHIBITION - Rainbow Arts is becoming an increasingly popular arts and crafts club which runs every Wednesday in the Baptist Chapel Hall from 10am to noon. It is open to all over 18 years of age and all abilities. It covers a wide range of subjects from learning to draw and paint to card making and decoupage. On Saturday they are holding an exhibition of their work in the Baptist Hall when local professional artist Rob Ritchie will be giving a demonstration, open to all, from 10.30am to 11.45am. Viewing of work will be from noon to 5.30pm. Admission is free and light refreshments will be served. On Sunday there will be a thanksgiving service, 10.30-11.30am, all ages welcome, and viewing of work will again be from noon to 5.30pm. This exhibition is funded by Home Mission.

COFFEE CONCERT - On Saturday in Dore Abbey the guest organist will be Roger Judd, formerly organist at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, whose outstanding services to music were recognised by the Queen in her New Year’s Honours. Coffee is served from 11am and the concert begins at 11.30am. No need to book seats, just come along.

WALKERS - Judith Whitehead will lead the seven to eight-mile walk over Hatterall Ridge on Saturday.

CHURCH OPEN - St James’ Church, Llangua, will be open to visitors on Sunday, 2pm - 5pm to experieince a step back in time, before electricity, when churches were lit only by candles and oil lamps. Then stop and enjoy a cup of tea and a cream cake.

GARDEN TEAS - On Bank Holiday Monday, August 31, from 3.30pm onwards, tea will be served at the Weir, Ewyas Harold in aid of Home Mission.

There will also be cakes, bring-andbuy, books, jigsaws and children’s games for sale.

CELEBRATION - Ewyas Harold Pre- School is going to celebrate the longawaited move into new premises in the grounds of Ewyas Harold Primary School on September 5 with a fun day for all the family from 11am - 3pm, with lots of activities from face painting, planting bulbs, treasure hunting, and a fancy dress competition for pre-school and primary school children. There will be tea, coffee, cakes and a barbecue for the adults. As well as having a good time it is hoped parents who wish their children to join the pre-school will have a chance to look around and see the activities on offer on a day-to-day basis. For more information or to book a place for next term contact Alison on 07954 344768.