A POLICEMAN with 30 years' experience of working in Hereford did not know where the main entrance to the Belmont Tesco store was, a court heard today.

Geoffrey Alan Gough parked his Saab in the far end of the supermarket's car park with two drunk teenage girls in his vehicle.

Fiona Elder, prosecuting, told Gloucester Crown Court Gough then gave the older 17-year-old £10 to buy a drink from the store and put his hand down her 13-year-old friend's underwear when alone with the younger girl.

Gough, aged 54, of Spring Gardens, Malvern, denies sexual activity with a child and attempted kidnap.

He told a jury today the girls got into his car after he spoke to them on Commercial Road.

Gough, a former detective with Hereford CID and now retired, said he wanted to help the girls by giving them a lift home to Newton Farm and so drove to Tesco at around 10pm on April 12, 2007.

He said he did not park by the busy entrance because he had only been to the store once or twice, and added that he thought he had parked near the main door to the supermarket.

However, the jury were shown maps of the supermarket which proved Gough's car was some distance from the main entrance to Tesco.

The 17-year-old sought help for her friend when Gough gave her the money and he drove off alone when three men asked him what was going on in the car park. One of the men said Gough's car was parked in a secluded area when he gave evidence last week.

The trial, which is expected to finish tomorrow, continues.