LINGEN CHURCH – A tiny Herefordshire village has set itself the task of raising £70,000, the equivalent of more than £430 for every resident. With £4,000 raised and 30 members signed up, the Friends of St Michael & All Angels’ Church in Lingen, on the north Herefordshire border, are celebrating a sensational first month. But they still have a long way to go.

The group was formed in May to help raise the estimated £70,000 urgently needed for the upkeep of St Michael & All Angels’ Church. Work is due to start soon on the first stage of the plan, the installation of a new £10,000 heating system, making it possible to use the building during the coming winter. The first fundraising event will be an afternoon tea on Saturday, July 12, (proceeds shared with the Parkinsons Disease Society) and a table sale in Lingen Village Hall on July 19. Details are available from Peter Lloyd on 01544 267586 or churchwarden Rene Morris on 01544 267314.