MIDSUMMER MUSIC – At a recent concert in the Memorial Hall, we were royally entertained by Roger Tomlinson, retired director of music for the Blues and Royals and fellow trombone player, Graham Banks. Arthur Bancroft played the musical saw and a violin duet with his great-granddaughter, Louise Turner. Tony Hempson and Ronald Smith were on keyboard and percussion with Rev Ashley Evans on guitar. Kym Wilcox sang four solos and Herbert Collins told some country tales. It was hard to choose a highlight from such a talented evening but the marching display by two Chelsea Pensioners, who shall remain nameless, was very popular with the audience. A wonderful evening complemented by good food and a glass of wine raised over £1,000 for St Michaels Church.

MEMORIAL HALL – The hall is to receive an Awards for All grant of £10,000 for replacement windows and side doors. It is hoped to do the work at the end of summer. Planning permission has been granted for the work in moving the boundary on the lounge side, subject to some changes, including a bike shelter. The loop and sound system is now installed and in full use. New members are urgently needed to join the hall committee so that we can build on our achievements so far.

PRIMARY SCHOOL – The summer fete raised a fantastic £1,200 for our children, thanks to everyone for helping and supporting our lovely school. We are very pleased and proud to announce that the school has been awarded a grant based on the recent travel plan submitted to the local authority. We acknowledge the enormous effort by Tim Mulhall, and the governors, school staff, pupils and parents wish to thank him very much. The grant will be used to remodel the car park to create a safer route into school. Traffic congestion to the front of the building, currently a barrier to safe access, will be alleviated. A small group of six pupils who have regularly used the walking bus have been selected to attend a ceremony at Hereford Town Hall to collect our award. All visitors are warmly invited to our open day today (Thursday) from 9.30am to 5.30pm, so come and see some of the inspiring work the children have produced over the year. It is a wonderful opportunity to be shown around the school. Next Monday, Class 3 will be doing a reptile walk over Ewyas Harold Common starting at 9.15am, weather permitting, COFFEE MORNING – On Saturday, from 10.30am to noon, there will be cakes and a raffle at 1 Brooms Cottage, St Devereux, in aid of the Cancer Cobalt Appeal.

THE JESUS EXPERIENCE – A concert of many talents including a sing-a-long will take place in St Devereux Church on Saturday at 6.30pm. Tickets cost £5 and are sold in aid of St Devereux and Wormbridge churches.

EWYAS HAROLD WALKERS – The walk will be the Herefordshire Trail, Kington to Lingen, 11 miles. Meet at Station House, Pontrilas, at 8.45am next Tuesday. Please notify five days prior to the walk to organise transport on 01981 240596.

BIBLE STUDY GROUP – The second Tuesday group next meets on Tuesday in the rectory from 10am to 11.30am. It is a time of fellowship and coffee as well as study and those new to Bible study are warmly invited to attend.

WOMEN’S INSTITUTE – In June, Richard Baker told us all about the work of the Golden Valley Response Unit, a duty he has been carrying out single-handedly, but now has eight new volunteers. He also instructed us on some simple first aid. Our next meeting is on Tuesday at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall when Rosemary Rigby, the curator of the Violette Szabo museum in Wormelow, will be coming to talk to us. Visitors and new members are always welcome.

A WINTER’S TALE – This will be performed in Dore Abbey next Wednesday by the Rain or Shine theatre company. Bring your own picnic, chairs and wine. Tea and coffee will be on sale. Tickets at £8 (£7 for concessions and £5 for children) can be obtained from Mrs B Howie, Ryefield, Wormbridge, Hereford HR2 9DB.