PLANT SALE - There will be a village hall plant sale on Saturday, May 24, from 10am to 1pm. This is in aid of the local Macmillan Cancer Support group. Good quality plants will be on sale at reasonable prices. Light refreshments will also be available. EVERGREEN CLUB - The club meets on Bank Holiday Monday at 2.30pm.

CRADLEY SINGERS - The singers meet on Wednesday, May 28. Rehersals start at 7.30pm. STORRIDGE GARDEN CLUB - The inaugreal meeting of the SGC was held on Monday, May 19, and enough people attended to make a club viable. It was agreed that meetings would be held on the third Monday of the month from September to March, with speakers for most of them. In the summer, there will be a couple of garden visits and a members’ show in late summer/early autumn. The possibility of the occasional workshop was also discussed. This will be a friendly club, with members who are capable gardeners and beginners. For details, call Jen Dunford on 01886 880498. PARISH CHURCH MATINS - On Sunday at 9.30am. Evening prayer will be on Wednesday, May 28, at 6.30pm.