WALKERS - On Thursday, May 22, meet at 8.45am at Station House, Pontrilas, for a distance of about seven miles , the Herefordshire Trail from Eardisley to Kington.

FOOTPRINTS COUNTRYWIDE - Add easy exercise into your week and improve your health. Short gentle walks in enjoyable company around the village. No great level of fitness required, any age welcome. Local, qualified leaders, and no club to join, just turn up. All walks are free, just meet every Friday at 10am outside the chip shop. the next walk is tomorrow. The approximate length is one to two miles (about 40 minutes to one and a half hours).

TEA AT TURNBOW - On Saturday, from 10.30am to 1pm, there will be tea and homemade cake in the garden. Plants and homemade produce for sale. All proceeds to be split between Dore Community Transport and Herefordshire Headway. Please park at Kilpeck Hall, only a short walk to Turnbow.

CONFIRMATION SERVICE - The Bishop of Ludlow, the Rt Rev Michael Hooper, will be leading the service at Dore Abbey on Sunday at 3pm. this will be followed by a bring-and-share tea.

MEMORIAL HALL - The AGM takes place on Tuesday, May 27, at 7.30pm. Please would all users of the hall make every effort to send representatives to this meeting. We hope that new representatives will join the committee, attend monthly meetings, help manage the hall and provide feedback to their clubs and groups. Everyone is welcome to attend. Following the success of the Christmas market, we intend to hold a similar event, a May market, on Saturday, May 31, from 10am to 4pm. Inside tables will be £10 and a boot/stall outside, £5, to be booked in advance. There will be a grand draw and refreshments.