HEREFORD'S outgoing mayor has urged the city's residents to continue their support for his nominated charity.

Councillor Chris Chappell has just finished his year in office and hopes the city's residents will continue backing Hereford Alzhemizer Society.

"Dementia is a terrifying illness that can effect any of us," said Councillor Chapell.

"I am most grateful to all those who have given their time to help the society during my year and ask that you continue to help in whatever way you can."

Councillor Chapell also gave his thanks for the support he received during his period in office.

"I would like to thank everyone for their support during my year as the 626th mayor of Hereford," he said.

"It has been a great honour to serve the people of Hereford as their first citizen, and to be an ambassodor for the city."

His successor Coun Kevin Wargen is a former chairman of the Hereford United Supporter's Club with an interest in promoting the interests of young people.