JANE Williams, who wrote to you in the issue of May 23 (Letters) lives in Bodenham. So why is she so opinionated on what should happen in Leominster’s Corn Square?

The people of Leominster voted for the original plan for the square: more trees, no parking, no pavements, more flowerbeds. A real pedestrian centre for our town.

Owing to interference from politicians and one or two others who apparently cannot face the few steps to one of our many car parks, the plan we who live in Leominster voted for has been amended.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

There were a few “disabled parking spaces” in the original plan, so that was catered for.

The dream was for a welcoming pedestrian centre for our town, for us locals and visitors from other parts of the county, the country, and abroad to enjoy our history, our architecture in a leisurely fashion and sit for a while in its pleasant centre perhaps studying a history of our town acquired in the square’s information centre.

Thus are our dreams shattered.

