AN "EXCEPTIONAL" Hereford organisation has received a top award for its voluntary work.

The South Wye community is celebrating after The Kindle Centre received the prestigious Kings Award for Voluntary Service (KAVS).

Over 100 people recently joined together at The Kindle Centre, South Wye Development Trust to acknowledge the exceptional contribution of so many volunteers and contributors, past and present, who have driven the positive role of the organisation within the local community.

Kindle trustees chair Paul Rone said the centre is honoured to receive the very special award on behalf of the community.

"The KAVS is only awarded to a small number of charitable groups or community organisations who have shown a track record in providing the very best in volunteer-led support, so it is an honour to receive it," he said.


The Kindle Centre, a registered charity established in 2006, provides a full range of services and facilities benefiting thousands of people each year. The centre is closely connected to and in touch with the needs of the local community, and also provides high-quality facilities at its Asda site to other charities and community groups across Herefordshire.

The KAVS citation highlighted the centre as an “exceptional local health and wellbeing hub", praising its "impressive" volunteers.

Chief officer Mandy Evans said the centre, which has over 110 volunteers giving some 2,020 hours of their own time last year, does all it can to listen to the community and support projects that are essential to and supportive of their needs. 

“Receipt of this award represents the culmination of years of dedicated hard work by so many," she said.

Trustee Chris Chappell added that “everyone in South Wye is so thrilled with this reward, and the charity would like to say a huge thank you to everyone that supports what we do. The building is a resource for the South Wye community and we look forward to further developing the range and quality of support in the future”

The Kindle Centre is adjacent to Asda in South Wye. To find out more about the full range of services and facilities at The Kindle Centre, call in or call 01432 278 070.