"HUGE consequences" could be in store if measures to battle road issues in a Herefordshire village are tackled by volunteers, it has been warned.

One councillor suggested taking matters into their own hands in a bid to tackle problem spots on roads in a Herefordshire village, recently published meeting minutes reveal. 


The minutes from Holmer and Shelwick Parish Council's April meeting revealed that passing places along Munstone Road, a narrow lane in Munstone, had become "nothing but mud".

Councillor Sarah Hutcheson asked whether it would be possible for local volunteers to stone these areas, the minutes said. 

But, the council clerk reported, this would not be allowed as it is a matter for the highway authority, and there could be "huge consequences" if anything happened to vehicles after volunteers had carried out work on the passing places.

Can I repair a public road?

You might remember Sir Rod Stewart taking matters into his own hands in Harlow, Essex, in 2022.

 The singer posted a film of himself fixing potholes near his home and complaining about the state of it, telling fans he could not get his Ferrari along the road at all and claiming that an ambulance had suffered a burst tyre.

But the RAC has cautioned members of the public against attempting to carry out their own road repairs like Sir Rod Stewart, with a risk that they may make themselves liable should something later go wrong.

RAC head of roads policy Nicholas Lyes said: “As frustrating as pothole-riddled roads can be, drivers should not be tempted to repair surfaces themselves," he said.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

"Firstly, there are safety risks associated with working in a road. Secondly, local authorities will have their own procedures and standards on how best to repair the road and a DIY job is unlikely to conform to this.

"In addition, taking matters into your own hands could make you liable for any defects and damage that subsequently occurs, both to the road surface and to other vehicles.

"The best thing drivers can do is to report potholes and other defects to the highways authorities as soon as possible so they can be fixed properly.”