A DRIVER caught out in Leominster has been handed a suspended prison sentence after testing positive for a class A drug.

Christopher Gray entered guilty pleas to two counts of driving while over the drug limit when he appeared before magistrates in May.

The court heard from the prosecutor that Gray, who was represented at the hearing by defence solicitor Ronnie Dubb, had been caught out in Leominster's Hereford Road after getting behind the wheel of a Toyota Aygo while over the drug-driving limit on June 3.


An evidential blood test revealed that the 48-year-old had more than 800 microgrammes of controlled class A drug metabolite cocaine and 33 microgrammes of cocaine per litre of blood, magistrates in Birmingham were told. The respective legal limits are 50 and 10 microgrammes.

Magistrates said the offences were so serious that only a custodial sentence could be justified as they involved a high level of drugs, but that this would be suspended as there is a realistic prospect of rehabilitation.

Gray, of Paxton Road, Birmingham, was handed an eight-week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months, and disqualified from driving for 32 months. 

He was also ordered to pay prosecution costs of £85 and a £154 victim surcharge.