A FORD driver caught drug-driving on the busy A40 in Herefordshire has been banned from the roads.

Jamie Johnson entered a guilty plea to one count of driving while over the drug limit when he appeared before magistrates in May.

The court heard from prosecutor Rob Simkins that Johnson, who was represented at the hearing by defence solicitor Samantha Day, had been caught out on the A40 at Ganarew in Herefordshire after getting behind the wheel of a blue Ford Focus while over the drug limit on December 4, 2022.


An evidential blood test revealed that the 34-year-old had 5.8 microgrammes of controlled class B drug cannabis product delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol per litre of blood, magistrates in Newport were told. The legal limit is two microgrammes.

Johnson, of Ringwood Place, Newport, was fined £120 and disqualified from driving for 36 months for the offence. 

He was also ordered to pay prosecution costs of £85 and a £48 victim surcharge.