A VANDAL who kicked in a Herefordshire pub door has been ordered to pay for the damage he did.

Ben Stevens entered a guilty plea to one count of causing criminal damage to property valued under £5,000 when he appeared before magistrates in Hereford in May.

The court heard from prosecutor Lauren Millichip that Stevens, who was represented at the hearing by defence solicitor Andrew Cleal, had, intentionally or recklessly and without lawful excuse, caused criminal damage to the door of the Talbot Hotel in Ledbury on March 3.


He had kicked the door frame until the lock broke, magistrates were told, causing some £150 worth of damage in the incident.

Stevens, of Wellington Heath, Ledbury, was handed a six-month conditional discharge, with magistrates saying that they had taken his guilty plea into account when coming to their decision.

He was also ordered to pay compensation of £150, prosecution costs of £85, and a £26 victim surcharge, which is used to help fund services supporting victims of crime.