AN ABUSIVE man has been handed a paltry fine after failing to turn up for probation appointments. 

Victor Henry William John Collett entered a guilty plea to one count of failing to comply with the requirements of a community order when he appeared before magistrates in Hereford in May.

The court heard from the probation service that the 39-year-old had previously been handed a community order in May 2023 after he had made a number of telephone calls to West Mercia Police and had been abusive to call handlers.

He was prohibited from doing this by a criminal behaviour order made by magistrates in Worcester in May 2022.

But, magistrates in Hereford heard, he had failed without reasonable excuse to comply with the requirements of his community order by failing to attend probation requirement appointments on June 8, 2023, and July 18, 2023, and further failing to provide the required evidence to excuse his absences. 

The community order was revoked and Collett, of Campbell Road, Hereford, was fined £20.