AN ATTACKER has been handed a hefty fine after an assault in Hereford.

Timothy Dimbylow entered a guilty plea to one count of assault by beating and one count of being in charge of a motor vehicle with an alcohol level above the limit when he appeared before magistrates in Hereford last month.

The court heard from prosecutor Shaun Williams that the 30-year-old had attacked an unknown man in Hereford and been caught in charge of a Volkswagen Golf in Fellinfach, Powys, while over the drink-drive limit on August 20.


An evidential breath test revealed he had 49 microgrammes (mg) in 100 millilitres of breath. This exceeded the prescribed legal limit which is 35 mg.

Dimbylow, of Craswell, who was represented at the hearing by Marilena Di Vitantonio, was fined £120 for being drunk in charge of the car, and £240 for the assault. He was also handed 10 penalty points on his driving licence.

He must also pay costs of £135 and a £144 victim surcharge.