A WOMAN who stole vodka from a Spar on the Herefordshire border has been handed a drug rehabilitation order.

Jade Cambridge admitted stealing three bottles of vodka to the value of £48.87 from the Spar in Presteigne’s High Street on October 15 last year, according to prosecuting solicitor James Sprunks.

The 38-year-old, of Millbank, Presteigne, received a six-month drug rehabilitation order with Wales Probation Service and partner drug agency Kaleidoscope. This will be a non-residential rehab where she must provide samples. This will be at probation and rehab offices in Powys.


She must also pay £48.87 in compensation to Spar.

Appearing at Llandrindod Wells Magistrates’ Court on March 27 represented by duty defence solicitor Jess Smith, Cambridge was not ordered to pay any prosecution costs so that priority could be given to compensation.

Cambridge’s guilty plea was taken into account by magistrates as they came to a decision on her penalty.