I WAS filled with hope when I heard last month that Herefordshire Council had been awarded millions for transport projects.

However, the council has had available, since March 2023, £900,000 for the Bus Service Improvement Plan. There has been no bus service improvement. My bus, the 476 Hereford to Ledbury, was cut to two hourly in February 2022 and is still two hourly.


Surely, the first improvement, as stated in the draft Herefordshire Local Plan consultation open until May 20, is to improve frequency. Services between county towns and the city need to be at least hourly to make them usable for travellers.

Under the climate change section 3.3 of the council’s current plan, public transport is a priority to reduce pollution and provide much-needed infrastructure to improve the local economy The county towns, for example, Ledbury, as well as the city, are choked with traffic. Car parking charges are high, yet where is the public transport?

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

I have written to Herefordshire Council chief executive officer Paul Walker and to council officers in recent months but, unfortunately, I have received no reply or even acknowledgement of my enquiries.

If anyone in Herefordshire Council’s transport office is reading this, please can they provide information to us all, in the Hereford Times, about their progress with the Bus Service Improvement Plan.

I look forward to reading their report without further delay.

