A DRINK-driver caught outside a Herefordshire pub while more than three times the limit has been handed an alcohol treatment order.

Guy Hemmington entered guilty pleas to one count of driving a motor vehicle while over the alcohol limit and one count of failing to answer to police or court bail as soon as practicable when he appeared before magistrates in January.

The court heard from prosecutor Owen Beale that the 62-year-old, who was represented at the hearing by defence solicitor Rajesh Bassi, had been caught outside Leominster's Chequers public house after getting behind the wheel of a blue Vauxhall Astra while over the drink-driving limit on November 25.


An evidential breath test revealed that he had 122 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, magistrates in Kidderminster were told.

He had also failed without reasonable cause to surrender at Hereford Magistrates Court on January 24 having been released on bail in criminal proceeding from the police station in Hereford on November 25.

Hemmington, of Barons Cross Road, Leominster, was handed a 12-month community order with a six-month alcohol treatment order, fined £35, and disqualified from driving for three years.

He was also ordered to pay prosecution costs of £30 and a £114 victim surcharge.