OVERFLOWING bins are a problem in a Herefordshire parish, as people are "dumping excess rubbish".

Recently published minutes from a Weston Beggard parish council meeting revealed that there has been an excess amount of waste in bins at the bottom of Shucknall Hill.

The parish council is considering reporting this problem to Balfour Beatty and said that fly-tipping was one of its priorities at the end of 2023.

The exact location of the bins, or what type of bins they are, has not been given, but at a previous meeting, a parishioner was found to have been voluntarily emptying a bin attached to a bus stop at the bottom of the hill, with the council thanking him for his "thoughtfulness".


The Herefordshire Council website urges members of the public to report problems involving build-up of litter on public roads online. The site says: "We empty all of them regularly, but sometimes they can fill up before we get to them. Please do let us know if you see a full or damaged litter bin.

"You can call us 01432 261800 or report a full or damaged litter bin online. 

"If you would like a new public litter bin, you need to contact your parish council."