A DRUG-driver has been banned from the roads for three years after he was caught out while over the limit.

Kevin Gadd entered guilty pleas to two counts of driving while over the drug limit when he appeared before magistrates in January.


The court heard from prosecutor Chad Eckokowitz that Gadd, of Broad Street, Bromyard, had been caught out in London Road, Newbury, after getting behind the wheel of a Peugeot 208 while over the drug limit on June 19.

An evidential blood test revealed that he had 20 microgrammes of class A controlled drug cocaine per litre of blood and more than 800 microgrammes of cocaine metabolite benzoylecgonine per litre of blood. The respective legal limits are 10 and 50.

The 66-year-old, who was represented at Reading Magistrates Court by defence solicitor Sotiris Yiakoumi was disqualified from driving for 36 months and ordered to be detained in the courthouse until the court rose, with his detention deemed served by reason of time already spent in custody.