A DRUNKEN man has been let off without a sentence by magistrates after an incident in Hereford.

Peter Evans entered a guilty plea to one count of being drunk and disorderly in a public place when he appeared before magistrates in Hereford this month.

The court heard from prosecutor Melanie Winterflood that 36-year-old Evans, who represented himself at the hearing, had been behaving in a disorderly manner when he was drunk in Ross Road, the A49, on November 20.

He was found stumbling around in the road by officers, who moved him onto the pavement.

He was trying to approach houses, going in and out of people's driveways while kicking his legs out and raising his arms in what the prosecution described as "disarming behaviour".

At one point, he dropped to his knees and appeared unable to stand.

He was arrested and taken to the police station before being released on bail.


Evans, of Pomona Place in Hereford, was given a conditional discharge of 12 months, with magistrates saying he would not receive a sentence when he appeared in court that day, which was January 24.

Evans spoke to say that he had previously struggled with alcohol addiction but was sober at the time of his court appearance.

Magistrates said that he had already been sentenced for other offences recently, and had been cooperating with probation conditions.