RECENTLY (January 14) I suffered a severe attack of angina while attending Sunday worship in St Nicholas Church, Hereford, and passed out.

When I came to I found myself surrounded by a sea of faces of friends who had rushed to my assistance. An ambulance had already been called and I understand arrived in very quick time. The paramedics were, as always, very efficient, professional and re-assuring.

On arrival at the County Hospital I was whisked into A&E without delay. Needless to say, they were extremely busy. All the cubicles were occupied and anything up to a dozen patients at a time in wheelchairs like me were housed in a relatively small corridor.

Nevertheless, I was seen and assessed by a nurse within a few minutes of arrival and before long I had my first visit by a doctor. The various tests were carried out smoothly and efficiently. I was kept constantly updated and saw the same doctor a couple of times again before being ready for discharge within about five hours of admission.

Not only was I greatly impressed by the efficiency of it all in very cramped circumstances, but I was amazed at the good humour that was maintained by the nurses.

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I suspect that as I had a heart condition I may have been afforded some priority, but at no time was I aware of any sense of frustration or impatience amongst those around me.

Nevertheless, I had time to reflect on how greatly blessed I am to be surrounded by so many wonderful people.

At a time when we are bombarded on all sides by stories of doom and gloom I left the hospital not only in good shape, but with my faith in human nature fully restored.

What blessings! How fortunate we are to live in such a wonderful world. My gratitude to all concerned knows no bounds.

