I WRITE with reference to the Hereford Times’ lead story about the proposed placement of anti-terror bollards at selected areas of the city at an approximate cost of £200,000.

Has the likelihood that terrorists will now be using drones instead been discussed (Anti-terror bollards for historic streets, December 28)?

I believe we should revert to the status quo and not waste all that money on a load of bollards!



What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

Can we have anti-cyclist bollards instead?

I HAVE no idea how great the risk of a terrorist attack upon central Hereford may be, but I suppose I am grateful to be protected from it!

A very real and daily threat to pedestrians (and, particularly, elderly, deaf and otherwise disabled ones), is the belief held by many cyclists that they have the right to hurtle at will through crowds in central pedestrian areas in the city.

Do anti-cyclist bollards exist?

