WE welcome the good news after such a troubled history of children’s social services that Herefordshire Council is to retain control of its children’s services (Commissioner delivers verdict on Herefordshire’s children’s services, December 13).

As concerned parents and grandparents it would be helpful if we are told the criteria by which the judgement has been made on recommendation by children’s commissioner Eleanor Brazil for the service to remain under council control with no further consideration of any alternatives.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

It would seem to us as lay people that the latest Ofsted monitoring report as reported at the last council meeting painted a somewhat different picture. We have learned to have confidence in Ofsted reports, so perhaps Councillor Ivan Powell could explain publicly what has changed so dramatically?

Children are our most precious resource. So can we now be assured that our children are safe, secure and that their best interests are looked after?

