A bungalow in a Herefordshire village it to be demolished, despite concerns that its replacement will be “overbearing”.

Bramble Tor occupies a prominent position in Kingsthorne, between Hereford and Ross-on-Wye. A planning application by owner Sian Thomas said the existing house is “of limited architectural merit and poor thermal value”.

The proposed replacement dormer bungalow, also of three bedrooms, would boast low energy use, natural materials, sustainable energy generation through air-source heat pumps, airtightness and sustainable drainage,  giving “a development which responds to the climate and ecological emergency”, it said.


A new outbuilding was to be used as bike storage and a garden shed, while new road access separate to its neighbour, and a parking and turning area, were to be added.

Much Birch parish council felt the new house would be “overbearing and  incongruous” in the village, despite pre-application advice on the design from county planners.

But planning officer Laura Smith judged that the plan “gives rise to a good standard of design that would respond to the locality and minimise any significant visual impacts”.

“The social, economic and environmental benefits of the replacement dwelling are clear,” she concluded.