AN ABUSIVE Hereford man has been back up before the magistrates after failing to turn up for court-ordered appointments. 

Ovidiu Gabriel Baltaret entered a guilty plea to one count of failing to comply with the requirements of a community order when he appeared before magistrates in Hereford.

The court heard from the probation service that the 34-year-old had been made subject to a community order by magistrates in Hereford in March after admitting two counts of using threatening, abusive, or insulting words or behaviour.


But, magistrates were told, Baltaret had failed to comply with the order by failing to comply with probation requirement appointments on July 26 and August 2 and failing to provide the required evidence to reasonably excuse his absences within the specified time limit.

Magistrates varied the order, with Baltaret, of Portland Street, Hereford, required to carry out an additional 10 hours of unpaid work on top of the original 120 hours, by March 27, 2024.

No order was made for prosecution costs to be paid.