A MAN caught with offensive weapons in Hereford has been remanded in custody ahead of his sentencing at the crown court.

Rafal Styn was found guilty of two counts of possessing an offensive weapon in a public place when he appeared before magistrates in Redditch in October, after entering a not guilty plea to both charges.

The court heard from the prosecutor that the 40-year-old, who was not represented by a solicitor at the hearing, had, without reasonable excuse or lawful authority, been in possession of two offensive weapons on Hereford's Aylestone Hill on July 6.


The weapons were a hammer and a chisel, the magistrates were told.

The case was adjourned and Styn appeared again before magistrates in Kidderminster in November, when he was remanded in custody and the case sent to the crown court for sentencing.

Styn, of Campbell Road, will appear before Worcester Crown Court on December 8.