ADAM Edwards’ letter referring to the internet outrage across the NHS in Herefordshire (Letters, October 26) prompted me to revisit incidents in other establishments over the years.

As the internal auditor at Aberystwyth University I was appointed to a committee set up to consider the problems anticipated by the Millennium Bug. At midnight on December 31, 1999, there was a worldwide concern that computers could shut down.


Thankfully, the plans were not needed, though the process focused attention on the need for effective risk management. Organisations may find some benefit from carrying out a review of their own, probably long-archived, plans.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

In the 1970s, working in a government department, I was part of a team auditing the implementation of a computerised personnel system. The staff were totally unprepared for the IT explosion.

Senior management instructed them to abandon their paper-based systems. It came as no surprise to discover that a number of them continued with the two systems in tandem. Lack of faith in machines was an excuse given.

Some time later I was sent a computer printout of my personnel information to check it for accuracy. It revealed that I had been erroneously awarded an A-level in Greek. My ego prevented me from reporting this error.

