STUNNING displays of fireworks have been taking place across Herefordshire this weekend, with more on the way this evening.

Members of the Hereford Times Camera Club on Facebook have been out and about with their cameras to capture the amazing scenes across the county.

Some displays are taking place tonight. Click here to find out where you can watch a display.

TJ Gibbons was on hand to take these brilliant pictures of Hereford Rowing Club's fireworks on November 3. 

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And fellow member Anoop Mathai was out with their camera in Madley on the same evening.

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Bonfire and firework events are a tradition with a long history in Britain, marking the events of November 5 in 1605, when Guy Fawkes was arrested while guarding explosives the Gunpowder Plot conspirators had placed beneath the House of Lords.

Fawkes and his fellow Catholic plotters had planned to assassinate the Protestant king, James I, and his parliament.

But with the plot failing, bonfires were lit around London in celebration of the king's survival.