A HEREFORD drug driver has been handed a 12-month community order.

Daniel Davies, of Barrs Court Road, had seven micrograms of Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, the main cannabinoid of cannabis, and 326 micrograms of amphetamine in his system when his blue Ford Kuga WAS stopped in Holmer Road on March 19.

The legal limits are 2mcg and 250mcg respectively. 


Prosecuting solicitor, Melanie Winterflood told Hereford Magistrates Court that the 43-year-old, who pleaded guilty to the offences, was stopped by police officers who wanted to speak to him about his MOT.

"Having identified Mr Davies as the driver, a roadside test was carried out which was positive for cannabis," said Ms Winterflood. 

"He was arrested and cautioned and taken to the police station. He cooperated with officers."

As part of his community order, Davies, who was represented by Ed Middleton, will have to undertake 10 rehabilitation activity days and do 80 hours' of unpaid work. 

He has also been disqualified from driving for 18 months and will have to pay court costs of £135 and a victim surcharge of £114 respectively.