Homeowners could be unknowingly breaking these common property laws and risking over £44,000 in fines, according to a new study. 

There has been an increase in fines being missed in the last three years, according to Government data.

13.4 million people are predicted to be fined in the UK this year alone.

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To help people become more fine aware, the property experts at Lajollalife.com have revealed the everyday laws that homeowners are unknowingly breaking which could cost them a staggering £44,100 in total.

10 common property laws that you might not know about

Not fixing a leaky tap

Fine - £1,000 

You could be fined £1,000 for not repairing a leaky tap, according to The Water Industry Act.

The act states that homeowners are required to fix any leaky taps within a ‘reasonable amount of time’.

The Office of Water Services (Ofwat) has said that water undertakers should expect homeowners to fix leaky taps within 24 hours of becoming aware of them.

An untidy garden

Fine -  £500 

Under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, the law requires homeowners to keep their gardens in good condition

Messy gardens can attract vermin, pests and can even be a fire hazard.

Not displaying your house number clearly

Fine - £500

According to the Street Naming and Numbering (England) Regulations 1999, homeowners are required to display their house number clearly.

Your house numbers should be placed in a visible location where they can be seen from the street.

It should be made of a durable material that’s at least 3 inches high.

Having an overflowing or broken bin

Fine -  £500 

Homeowners are also bound by The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.

This dictates that homeowners are responsible for ensuring their bins are not overflowing or broken or they could face a £500 fine.

It can take more than two weeks for a new bin to arrive after ordering one from your local council so it’s better to act fast if you notice a small crack. 

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Not maintaining your gutters and drains

Fine - £50-£5,000 

According to The Building Act 1984, homeowners need to maintain their gutters and drains in a good state of repair.

Overflowing, blocked or broken drains could cost you up to a £5,000 fine.

The property experts recommend cleaning your gutters regularly, especially in Autumn when leaves are falling.

However, the fine for not doing so isn’t explicitly stated in law, and is set by your local council which can vary from £50-£5,000 in some areas.

Parking in front of your neighbour's driveway

Fine - £100 

The specific rule that prohibits parking in front of a driveway is Rule 243 in the Highway Code, which states: "Do not stop or park in front of an entrance to a property”.

So next time, if an unruly neighbour leaves a note on your car, maybe it’s your sign to park somewhere else and avoid facing up to a £100 fine.

Throwing your TV in the bin

Fine - £5,000 

Throwing your TV in the bin is illegal under the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations 2013.

If you’re caught throwing your TV in the bin, you could be fined up to £5,000, and you could also be ordered to pay the costs of recycling your TV.

Having a broken fence

Fine - £500 

According to the Building Act 1984, if your fence is damaged or falling down, you could be fined up to £500.

The specific rule that applies to fences is Section 38, which states: "Every owner of premises shall, so far as reasonably practicable, keep in repair and in good condition all buildings and fences on the premises”.

However,  the fine for not doing so is not explicitly stated in law. The fine is set by the local council, and it can vary from £50 to £500. 

Not having your log burner serviced at least once a year

Fine - £1,000 

New regulations are in place for homeowners with log burners in the UK.

As part of the DEFRA Clean Air Strategy, homeowners are required to have their log burners inspected and serviced by a qualified engineer every year.

The regulations also state that you can use only low-smoke wood fuel, and install a carbon monoxide alarm in your home. Failing to comply could result in a £1,000 fine.

Not repairing a dangerous crack in your property

Fine - £50 - £30,000 

The Housing Act 2004 states that homeowners are required to repair any dangerous cracks, or they could be stung with a whopping £30,000 if one isn’t repaired.

However, the fine for not doing so is not explicitly stated in law and is set by the local council, which can vary from £50 to £30,000.