HEREFORDSHIRE was treated to an incredible lightshow as lightning moved in overnight.

And photographers across the county were ready with their cameras to capture the amazing scene. 

Hereford Times:

The storm came after the recent hot and sunny weather in Herefordshire turned cooler, with much of the county hit by rain yesterday. 

Hereford Times:

Forecasters had warned that Sunday (September 10) would be cloudy with the chance of heavy and thundery showers hitting, a risk of hail and lightning, and a maximum temperature of 28 °C.

Hereford Times:

The county is waking up to sunnier skies this morning, although see more outbreaks of rain and showers are likely today, with the potential for thunder, and light winds, the Met Office said.

Hereford Times:

It will be slightly cooler today, with a maximum temperature 24 °C, according to forecasters.

Hereford Times:

And it seems that the unsettled conditions are here to stay for the rest of the week, with the weather forecast to turn more changeable and cooler with rain pushing through on Tuesday. 

Hereford Times:

The Met Office said there will be sunny spells on Wednesday, with temperatures returning to average, before further rain and stronger winds arrive on Thursday. 

Hereford Times: