A planned housing development in Hereford is being tweaked to make the homes more affordable.

A new planning application by Mr A Thomas of local firm Buildworx is for four pairs of semi-detached homes for open-market sale, set back from Gorsty Lane, Tupsley to the east of the city.

Each would have three bedrooms and two parking spaces, with a further three spaces available for visitors.

Approval for seven homes on the site was granted in 2020, following an earlier approval for five homes, and access onto Gorsty Lane has already been put in place.


Since then, “the applicant has revisited the approved housing mix in the belief that smaller three-bed semi-detached dwellings are more reflective of local need, current high interest rates and the general housing market”, a statement with the application says.

However the eight planned new semis “retain the same design ethos as the approved dwellings” with similar materials.

Sustainability features would include waste water heat recovery units and roof-mounted solar panels – although these “are not as attractive from a viability perspective as they once were”, the application adds.

The layout would respect the root zone of a mature oak tree on the site, while existing boundary hedgerows would be kept and added to.

Comments on the planning application, numbered 232542, can be made until October 5.