A HEREFORD dentist has impressed inspectors in its latest visit from the Care Quality Commission.

Chapel House Dentistry, in Hereford's St Owen Street, was visited by the CQC for a comprehensive inspection in November.

Inspectors said in a report published in December that they had found the clinic was safe, effective, caring, responsive, and well-led.

The clinic was visibly clean, appropriate infection control procedures were in place, staff knew how to deal with emergencies, and safeguarding processes were in place and understood by staff, inspectors said.

Staff had the skills, knowledge and experience to carry out their roles, while newly appointed staff had a structured induction and clinical staff completed continuing professional development required for their registration with the General Dental Council.

Staff said they had enough time for their role and did not feel rushed in their work.


Patients were given clear information to help them make informed choices about their treatment, and staff were clear about the importance of emotional support needed by patients when delivering care.

The practice had made reasonable adjustments for patients with disabilities, inspectors said, with a hearing induction loop to assist patients who are hard of hearing.

A disability access audit had also been carried out and an action plan formulated to continually improve access for patients

Inspectors said the practice demonstrated a transparent and open culture in relation to people’s safety, with strong leadership and emphasis on continually striving to improve.

Systems and processes were embedded, and staff worked together in such a way that where the inspection highlighted one small issue, action was taken to address this immediately.

Staff said they felt respected, supported and valued, and were proud to work in the practice.

Among their other findings, inspectors also said patients were treated with dignity and respect, the appointment system took account of patients' needs, and complaints were dealt with positively and effectively.

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