A HEREFORDSHIRE woman has paid tribute to the Queen with a new special crown for her business.

Owner of Cystalline Crowns Emily Madeley, who is from Leominster, creates handcrafted crystal adorned crowns, usually for brides or models.

The 27-year-old mother of two said she made a tribute to our late Queen, who died on at 96 on September 8 at 6.30pm, with her Elizabeth crown.

It is made from cur aluminium and embellished with lilly of the valley charms.


“As this was said to be her favourite flower,” she said.

It also has blue and clear rhinestones, as this was her favourite colour, and covered in leaves in flowers to represent her flower gardens, she said.

The crown also has three Herkimer diamonds to represent her birthstone.

“I made this piece as I was heartbroken about her death not only because she was my Queen, but as she reminded me so much of my own grandmother and as a crown maker,” said Ms Madeley.

“I just had to create something beautiful in dedicated to her.

“I worked for several days on this piece and gave it my absolute all, as I suffer from Fibromyalgia and Arthritis.

“I hope this reaches someone who loves it as much as I do.”