STAFF at the Leadership Trust in Ross-on-Wye have been challenged to raise as much money as possible for local charities.

The task was set by Paul K Winter, the chief executive of the Leadership Trust, and each of the eight teams have £1,000 to kickstart their projects.

The groups will be working with Herefordshire Young Carers, Overmonnow Primary School PTFA, the Forest of Dean Children's Opportunity Centre and Herefordshire Nature Trust.

Staff will provide support in various ways, including developing websites, updating playground facilities and improving habitats for butterflies and dormice.

Margaret James of Herefordshire Young Carers said: "We are really delighted to have been chosen by the Leadership Trust and are already looking for ways the team can support us."

Paul Campbell, a member of the group working with Herefordshire Young Carers said: "We have a number of exciting ideas which are now in the planning stage, and we are looking forward to working with such a great group of people."

Founded in 1994, Herefordshire Young Carers works with adults and young carers under the age of 18.

As well as one-to-one and group activities, it liaises with schools and social services to identify and support the young people.

The Leadership Trust Foundation is an educational charitable trust, developing leadership skills in all sectors of society.