After the death of Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday, September 8, her son King Charles III took his place as the new monarch.

The new head of state has taken on new duties and powers, however, not everything is new to the King with over 50 years of delivering speeches along with many other royal duties.

However not all public appearances go to plan, as people remember the two occasions where history could have played out very differently.

After the 1994 Sydney Australia event, the King was startled after a protester jumped on stage carrying a starting pistol before firing two blanks at Charles.

King Charles III experienced two near attempts on his life

A 23-year-old university student, David Kang, fired blank shots as part of a protest against the treatment of Cambodian asylum seekers being held in detention camps across Australia.

The protest from Kang came after he had allegedly written over 500 letters on the topic to newspapers and world figures including his majesty.

Although it was not believed that Kang was trying to kill the then Prince, the student was charged and found guilty of threatening unlawful violence and sentenced to 500 hours of community service.

But the Sydney attack was not the King’s first time the monarch was involved in such a situation.

On the day of Charles Investiture as Prince of Wales, a plot named “Operation Edding” was planned that targeted a bridge on the route along a road from Porthmadog to the Investiture at Caernarfon Castle.

With plans to destroy the bridge a month before the event itself and blame the British security services.

However, the plan was scrapped last minute as although two Welsh extremists did attempt to sabotage the north Wales coastal rail line in a different part of north Wales shortly before the Investiture, they were killed when their bomb exploded before they reached their objective.

The pair, George Taylor and Alwyn Jones were part of the "Abergele Martyrs” and their families told authorities that the men had no intentions to kill the Prince.